Charles Eisenstein

Well. This was a big project. Not just because of the scope of the website (230+ pages) but also because of the person represented by the website.
We often work in a Gift Economy since April 2012. We started after reading Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein. The ideas written in that book by Charles set us on a new path that has made all the difference.
Having the opportunity to help him redesign and rebuild his website has been an incredible experience. It afforded us the opportunity to delve into his work on a very intimate level, as we shaped the content for each page. It also allowed us to get to know Charles on a first-name basis, and that is priceless.
Charles had a very distinct vision for this site, and we worked together along with his assistant Marie (who did a lot of the heavy lifting and key conflict resolution when Charles and I had different ideas) for months to reach the final version.
We are very proud of this project. We want you to take a look at it, not just to see the work we did, but also because we want you to get to know the ideas that Charles is working to spread and make them a part of your life, too.